At the Mouth of a Room

At the Mouth of a Room: The 2022 Roderick MacKillop Memorial Alumni Art Exhibition
Featuring works by Elizabeth Arzani '12 and Holly Keogh '14

"All the ways a line hallucinates its own linearity...The most insistent pressure. The body's refraction. The voice's. How they ridge, crosshatch, and section again. The dissociated self cannot be approached as an object. It cannot be laid out before us at the mouth of a room. The best we can do is trail its impressions."  

-Danielle Vogel (The Way A Line Hallucinates Its Own Linearity)

Verbal language can often become lost in translation. The same can be true of visual language. What is clear can also be transparent and therefore invisible. Misunderstood, or mistranslated entirely. This room holds visual words that have yet to be spoken. It is up to the audience who enters this mouth of a room to interpret what is seen and create for themselves a sentence structure of lines, shapes, colors, and subjects.

Elizabeth Arzani is an interdisciplinary artist & educator living and working in Portland, Oregon. As a collector of sorts, Arzani constructs narratives from moments of curiosity, absurdity, and potential humor in happenstance. Her impulse to collect and desire to recycle is a search for connection and an attempt to collaborate with the unknown. Working between painting, sculpture, and printmaking practices reveals allegorical relationships embedded in materiality. Stories are told in the cracks and creases, stains and rust of physical objects layered with her own mark making. They become site-specific maps of a place, offering a form of communication that extend language. Arzani received her BFA in Painting and Art Education from UNC Charlotte in 2012. She then earned her MFA in Visual Studies from the Pacific Northwest College of Art.

Holly Keogh is a painter based in Charlotte, NC. She is interested in the relationship between memory and our desire to document or freeze time. She is a first generation American, and throughout her childhood photographs were mailed back and forth between her family members in England and America. These photographs depict cousins' birthdays she never attended or new homes she never stepped inside. She examines the familiar faces in these images in vain; she can’t bring them any closer, she can’t reconstruct the original moments in time. She treats the figures in these photographs as a starting point from which her own consciousness supplants the subject's personality. Psychologically charged portraits emerge from tension between her will to remember and her power to project. Images from her family's discarded photographs, saved tabloids, and memorabilia are cropped and refocused. With this treatment, the paintings arrive at something that is as familiar as it is open to interpretation; a combination of that imperfect documentation and her equally imperfect memory. Her work aims to create a sensory experience that brings awareness to how different media construct our reality. Keogh received her BFA in Painting and her BA in Art History from UNC Charlotte in 2014.

About the Roderick MacKillop Memorial Alumni Art Exhibition

Rod MacKillop was a beloved painting professor from 1973 until his retirement in 2003. In 1988, he initiated a juried art exhibition of alumni work at the University, a practice that has continued biannually in the galleries of Rowe Arts building. In June 2017, the MacKillop family established three endowments at UNC Charlotte in his memory to find student scholarships and the recurring alumni exhibition.